Friday, March 4, 2011

What does it mean to LIVE?

I was working out in the gym the other day and saw this woman on the treadmill. She had the most jubilant and approachable expression on her face that kind of struck me, so being the extremely social person I am, I decided to get on the treadmill next to her and talk to her after we said passing "hellos" to one another. Her name was Crystal* and we began talking about everything that came to mind, without getting too personal of course, and then we came across a topic that kind of stumped us both. What does it mean to really live? I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but does anyone ever really get an answer or even come to a satisfying conclusion? I'm sure you're wondering how two complete strangers got on such a deep and thought-provoking topic. Well, Crystal and I exchanged the general information about one another; names, where we're from, what we do for a living, etc. Then we started to talk about our work out goals and Crystal mentioned that she felt like she wasn't living...that working out made her feel like she was doing something other than working and routine tasks. Now, Crystal works for a very prominent travel agency, is a GOD fearing woman, has been around the world not just for work but for pleasure as well (she had actually just gotten back from China!), has great friends that go out with her on weekends quite often for a good time, a seemingly wonderful boyfriend, etc. So I started thinking, while she was telling me these things, her life is 1000 times better than mine at the moment(and most others as well) yet she still feels as if her life was not the epitome of living? What the heck are the rest of us doing then? LOL. Crystal and I went our separate ways after working out and on my drive home I started to wonder, if a woman like Crystal, who seems to be living a pretty good life to me, could feel so stagnated in her life...then what does it mean to live...what does it mean to have a life that feels like a gift to live everyday?I know spiritually that answer is in the Bible, but what about generally? Does everyone have a different view on what it means to really live? To consider yourself to have a fulfilling life? What is it defined by? Longevity? Age? Experience? Love? Is it a personal perspective of each individual? Please comment on what your thoughts may be.

**This blog only reveals my opinion and passing thoughts or questions. It is not meant to be offensive or to be turned into a something it's not.**
*--Name has been changed.

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